spine poetry




“Never forget that. Always remember the fun.” -Robert Coover

Introductions all around

Tuesday, January 21st
Introduction to the class & each other
Show your neighbor your neighborhood…
Read: syllabus & course website, post an intro/image to the course blog

Thursday, January 23rd
Situating electronic literature
Class planning: blog & discussion assignments
Read: Electronic Literature Chapter 1 & “electronic literature: what is it?” by N. Katherine Hayles

Electronic literature form & genres: how did we get here?

Tuesday, January 28th
“bring it to the table”: What is e-lit? Why should we read it? Write it?
Multimodal affordances & Medium is the message
Read: “The Medium is the Message” by Marshall McLuhan, "As We May Think" by Vannevar Bush & "The End of Books" by Robert Coover

Thursday, January 30th
Play: How do we read this thing? Interactive Art (UNH Museum field trip?)
Read: EL Chp. 2 & Cent Mille milliards de poems (Hundred thousand billion poems) by Raymond Queneau (& ELD entry & assemble your own poem)

Tuesday, February 4th
“bring it to the table”: combinatory poetics
Exquisite corpse about you (but really about all of us)
Read:  Storyland by Nanette Wylde & Taroko Gorge& the deletionist by Nick Montfort, @everyword & ELD entry (& book!), ("How to make a Dadaist Poem" by Tristan Tzara for Thursday)

Thursday, February 6th
Play: Dada & Oulipo
Collage & Blackout Poetry &“The Infinite Woman” by Katie Schaag
Read: EL Chp. 3 & “The Garden of Forking Paths” by Jorge Luis Borges (& Forking Paths in the ELMCIP)

Down the rabbit hole… hypertext & games & how things work

Tuesday, February 11th
“bring it to the table”: POMO to e-lit
Read afternoon or Patchwork Girl (in-class)
Read: “Strachey’s nineteen-fifties love machine” by Siobhan Roberts & “An Account of Randomness in Literary Computing” by Mark Sample, & "The Poetry Machine"

Thursday, February 13th
Play: Generative poems
Read: Entre Ville by JR Carpenter, My Body a Wunderkammer by Shelley Jackson & “A Cyborg Manifesto” by Donna Haraway

Tuesday, February 18th
“bring it to the table”: hypertext
Lexia to Perplexia & preservation of “old media” (ELMCIP & Traversals)
Introduce midterm analysis essay/presentation/ ELD entries
Read: “How to Rob a Bank” by Alan Bigelow & “Hana Feels” by Gavin Inglis, & "Vocable Code" by Winnie Soon

(Sign up for ThingLink (invite code on Thursday's <Play>))

Thursday, February 20th
PLAY: hypertext                      
Optional proposal conferences
Read: EL Chp. 4, “Good literature can come in digital forms – just look to the world of video games” by James O’Sullivan, Zork & “The Enduring Legacy of Zork” by Elizabeth Woyke

Tuesday, February 25th
“bring it to the table”: Games or literature?
Play/Read The Bafflement Fires, DWTD, Hair Nah, The Stanley Parable (& other "games" TBA) in class
Proposals due
Read: “A Vast and Lonely Desert” by Davis G. See, “Depression Quest” by Zoe Quinn & "Twine Game Narrative and discussion about LGBTQ representation" by Luiza C. Braganca, Rosilane R. Mota, and Eduardo P.C. Fantini

(Download Twine2 & look at example & Twine Cookbook)

Thursday, February 27th
Play: Twine  
Read: EL Chp. 5 & i love you)last night by e.e. cummings, dear e.e. by Lori Janis & Ingrid Ankerson (archived), Cruising by Ingrid Ankerson & Megan Sapnar & ii in the white darkness by Reiner Strasser & M.D. Coverly

Tuesday, March 4th
“bring it to the table”: the medium is the metaphor
(& the death of Flash)
Draft conferences this week
Read: The Dreamlife of Letters & Star Wars One Letter at a Time (video) by Brian Kim Stefans,& Lotus Blossom byYoung-Hae Chang Heavy Industries, & “Forgotten Nights" by Peter Hebden

(watch Photoshop animation or Adobe Animate tutorial)

Thursday, March 6th
Play: Movement
Workshop/revisions on analysis/presentations

Respond: Lit. analysis (but different)

Tuesday, March 11th
E-lit presentations due!

Thursday, March 13th
Presentations continued
Workshop/ revisions on analysis/ELD entries
Read: EL chp. 6 & The Unknown by Scott Rettberg & co., Occupy MLA transcript (originally on Twitter) by Mark Marino and Rob Wittig, & Live/Archive: Occupy MLA by Kathi Inman Berens & "Flight Paths" by Kate Pullinger, Chris Joseph & co.

March 17th -21st Spring break

Here’s where things start to get weird… collaborative & immersive spaces

Tuesday, March 25th
“bring it to the table”: collaboration & networks
Final e-lit analysis & ELD entries due/submitted!
Read: We Feel Fine info. & gallery, Yesterday, Today, & Tomorrow, “Exposed” by Sharon Daniel, & Netprov: #1WkNoTech

Thursday, March 27th
Play: Collaboration
Read: EL chp. 7 & Text Rain by Camille Utterback. & Strange Rain & Bubble (Far Away from Far Away?) (all on phone), “The Trajectory Cabinet”by Jason Nelson

(& begin Motto (on phone))

Tuesday, April 1st
“bring it to the table”: mobile & touch & immersive spaces
Read Pearl in class or outside of class (or The Book of Distance)
(& behind the scenes of Pearl)
Introduce final projects
Read: Motto, VR/360 of your choice

(look at Scene & Google Earth (& revisit ThingLink) for 360)

Thursday, April 3rd
Play: Virtual
Read: “VR is the ultimate empathy machine” & Clouds Over Sidra by Chris Milk & Queerskins: A Love Story by Illya Szilak and Cyril Tsiboulski (& Stanford VHIL)

Tuesday, April 8th
“bring it to the table”: VR & empathy
Complications of embodied narratives: Let it Brain's This is Not Private & Stanford VHIL 1000 Cut Journey & Becoming Homeless (& news story on 1000 Cut Journey)
Proposals due

Thursday, April 10th
Multimodal affordances
Play: technology review or class choice!
Project planning

Compose & create: “Never forget that. Always remember the fun.” -Robert Coover

Tuesday, April 15th
“bring it to the table”: Your project/technology 

Thursday, April 17th
Play: learning your medium
Extra credit: Poetry slam Friday, April 18th & Poetry festival Saturday, April 19th!

Tuesday, April 22nd

Thursday, April 24th
Workshop final projects

Tuesday, April 29th
E-lit project drafts due!
Project presentations!

Thursday, May 1st
Project presentations continued!

Final project revisions/analysis due Monday, May 5th!