Leo was one of my [[childhood cats]], who we lost about two years ago. He was very energetic, loving, and always wanted to be involved. Leo loved to surprise us with mice, and birds. He will always be a huge part of our lives.
<img src="https://as2.ftcdn.net/v2/jpg/02/18/91/75/1000_F_218917519_zptB6JaLPtyzayMtJcqmmKtgY3NGeoXT.jpg" width="256" height="256">
Zoey is another one of my childhood cats. She is currently fifteen years old, and is as loving as ever. She is very talkative and definitely lets you know when she is [[hungry]] or wants attention. She is one of two cats we have currently, the other cat we have is named [[Pearl]].
<img src="https://i.redd.it/ug5fjowryzwb1.jpeg" width="300" height="400">Pearl is mainly my cat as she [[tends to attach to one person]]. Pearl is five years old, and is very [[energetic]] and talkative. She always lets us know when she wants us to throw her toy so she can chase it. She used to be my fathers cat, but is now mine. She always greets me when I walk in the door, she is kinda like a little dog.
<img src="https://i.redd.it/hxms7daovxwb1.jpg" width="108" height="179">We currently have a very energetic dog named Phinn. He is a [[bullmastiff]] and he loves to play fetch. He is the first bullmastiff we have had that likes to play fetch. Phinn is silly and loving, and lets you know when he wants to play. Phinn is currently two years old, and weighs one-hundred-fifteen pounds!
<img src="https://img1.wsimg.com/isteam/ip/126dc2cf-182f-4ba6-a268-d32dc481dcba/1000049802.jpg/:/cr=t:0%25,l:3.1%25,w:93.8%25,h:100%25/rs=w:388,h:388,cg:true" width="256" height="256">Ellie is one of my childhood dogs. She was a bullmastiff that we lost when I was about tweleve years old. She was very silly, and loved her naps, especially when my sister was napping with her. Ellie was around one-hundred-twenty pounds, and lived until she was nine years old.
<img src="https://www.mediastorehouse.com/p/617/female-fawn-bullmastiff-dog-sitting-9486627.jpg.webp" width="256" height="256">Leroy was the last bullmastiff we had before Phinn. He was definitely a one person kind of dog. He loved us all, but was attached to my mother the most. He followed her everywhere, and always made sure she was safe. Leroy was the biggest bullmastiff we had weighing in at one-hundred-thirty pounds. He was silly, lazy, and loved his naps in the sun.
<img src="https://media.istockphoto.com/id/147044347/photo/mastiff.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=rIt7JDuzHY6MnUOFZWpBPi217U4LYTgtAcYZWBdITQ0=" width="406" height="612">Bindi was the first and only hamster I had. She was so funny, and had her own kind of personality. She loved blueberries and was always hungry for them no matter the time of day. Bindi was all white with gray ears, and was a syrain hamster. We lost her about two years ago when she was two years old.
<img src="https://i.pinimg.com/originals/22/28/5e/22285e3b58a516b04b51f34f0e1b71b8.jpg" width="175" height="200">