<img src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/AP1GczNt2zRqc38VOGCvoCHty4fQsqKV_JhmecvAFFcIkUmAXObeKMcA_CYwZ5AmHVx2RqoZ1ZmDWHimy1WYYlgp185IzbBABN6KOpN0uZMBDFRXsRJVgoED9o0z-jGa-HP19An8ycLjXBKBzRimKCObSX4J=w824-h890-s-no-gm?authuser=0" width="400" height="400">
[[The Perfect Pizza Recipe]]
<img src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/AP1GczMH3MheneuMMv1STw3Ar8qUNvscRCNOJmuOU7DEjtRjm0V4deRPzNqH6B5e17LUFbOqCDlF8b9SuhvTVFeLPwsqRRkgmQb5-pyQkSSAN-y87CsP0Ut2F0XyuAmmN8kQtApXMEjvmVwOq4ZkbeuezCP6=w728-h1016-s-no-gm?authuser=0" width="400" height="420">
[[1 teaspoon of sugar]]
My family would always have busy schedules during the week with school, work, and extracurriculars. Saturday pizza nights were the one day a week we were all able to come together and catch up as a family. We would all sit in the living room in a very informal fashion, on the floor and couches. This tradition gave us all something to look forward to every week. <img src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/AP1GczP0XBBCei9X04yt_hPfFpKatqhKMgqkY6JuzO_bgxoXuqF8YHRdVeoBWY3e9i54K0Q29x1XWU1mT-CA4YlrJux8TKior_ZdHGahfnXW3T_V-GQ_-yOepmsPYoFXajCtLfTfts4omquyKMZncwRwQW1x=w696-h894-s-no-gm?authuser=0" width="400" height="420">
[[4 cups of bread flour]]
I don’t exactly remember when my mom decided she wanted to learn how to make homemade pizza, but it was sometime when I was in elementary school. What I do remember is that at first, they didn’t come out very well. The dough would either be stuck to the pan or the whole thing would just completely fall apart. Eventually my mom perfected the recipe and technique, making the perfect pizza. At the time we didn’t know that making pizza every Saturday would turn into a tradition for many years to come. <img src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/AP1GczOIu84d8pdOIOaSWCSuMbD2DXa3m9-olfWhc8e-Q6K5XcdTYNOxelwo1YbtBg3XE1_7YSeR5AyH-o7rKB7-bn2cRKYhD7060VCY-1V2srm9rBzRj5RDDPC2EoFKjKb161sQc0jslQNXocRXow_B43Bv=w834-h720-s-no-gm?authuser=0" width="400" height="400">
[[1 envelope instant dry yeast]]
Once we mastered the classic cheese pizza, we were able to experiment with different toppings. It has been so fun over the years discovering what I did and didn’t like. I’ve determined that my favorite toppings combination is sausage, peppers, and onions and my least favorite is definitely pineapple. We have even tried making the dough into different shapes like a Christmas tree during the holidays. It’s easy to stick to what’s comfortable in our everyday lives but it’s good to step outside of your comfort zone every once in a while, even if it is just with pizza. <img src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/AP1GczME52KJIuGMRQawk-it2G3c71mKfLMZVm2ZLK5bC84jn22WWP-t_7W6DCiKp8Pgmv29I6f_gPDTEMBx-_PaSlNFyR2MUUgBuZMYj6rpgct2RGjry-1jn0AvMoPagdCrHdpEQSpEwjZQZD0HhvwfQRHy=w676-h936-s-no-gm?authuser=0" width="400" height="420">
[[2 teaspoons kosher salt]]
I thought my journey with perfecting the pizza dough was over when we made many perfect pizzas week after week. This was until I invited a friend over for pizza and she reminded me that she was gluten free. I didn’t want to have to revoke the invite just for this reason, so I started doing some research. I found a gluten free pizza dough recipe that you could make out of cauliflower. I had never done anything like this and was worried that it would come out bad, but I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and tried it anyways. It definitely wasn’t perfect, but she ended up enjoying it and was glad she could still be invited in pizza night, even if it was a little untraditional. <img src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/AP1GczN2NtDaYDvfch7MTOleqOeEz89C3NyhHV4UOcH7JUe7O7AJbmAzc6x29mz0kAC1RiqphShlk9ZaFl8e4ElGrNSNWp1hlCsKrfH-QqkHy--YvJ6A2Bh3hco6Zcsbm9r8kyYS9EnzA4rE-N4Uy8SSfjWz=w908-h702-s-no-gm?authuser=0" width="400" height="400">
[[1 1/2 cups water, 110 degrees F]]
The fall is my favorite time of year for pizza night. There was nothing better than coming home from a cross-country meet in high school on a cold fall night to pizza in the oven and fire roaring in the fireplace. Those were the days I appreciated my mom taking the time to cook the pizza the most. After having to get up early for a meet and spend all day in the cold, the last thing I wanted to do was make my own dinner<img src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/AP1GczOgoxC_4aDeLbgG9XpG3nx3R01HyPdXY_FV45FwwVpqAZhgxWPsNo9W-8NzeXyk7VU_Lo7twxk07x7PwdX8rk_ASMfRCs3_EMuyLPCRYzhIWxDhtxi04ih8CPQUEhn64nqLfgL7HwaHRm3sbGVWC5QX=w620-h980-s-no-gm?authuser=0" width="400" height="420">
[[2 tablespoons olive oil]]
In my family Saturday’s are also for watching college football. My dad raised me to be a University of Alabama football fan, and as I got older my love for the sport deepened. My dad and I could sit for hours in the living room eating pizza and watching football. I don’t remember the score of every game that we watched, but I will always remember the quality time I got to spend with my dad. <img src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/AP1GczN_LrhNTvaQnGFplgofmxYHnD_TJeqrl4kZVTEBnpH1-A40MY62RshfmrxTFvvtj_J7-k7zsTFJxe9mkO8YU79FZrZhGPGsMnF5EF1AYSKAjYzKirLPN2dvaXYd_Nvt4xxOEaIycrfIDryob93x2N9O=w760-h678-s-no-gm?authuser=0" width="400" height="400">
[[let the dough rise for 1 hour]]
My mom and I don’t have much in common, but spending time with her in the kitchen on Saturdays gave us something to bond over. I caught onto her tricks making the pizza dough and would start to help her. Eventually as I too perfected the pizza, my mom would let me make it on my own. I would be relaxing in my room on my day off from school and she would yell up the stairs, “Julia come make the pizza dough.” At the time I would sometimes get annoyed that she was making me cook commonly replying to her with “I’m tired” or “I don’t feel like it.” Looking back I’m glad she made me make the pizza because it taught me confidence and independence in the kitchen.<img src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/AP1GczOu8SXGzHcKyRrZobHlWaPyT_tCdkfGfxed_hs6H8Hgh3NKgyVIJLNq9WsyLYZ1HjS3U7uwOFxJ9NGB0xCDPj0tSznRleJzdFHShngPE94KyFbtSfg4-ovodhTfH2gpMg_I7YH2OOHYxMoa6O0wm3Oc=w938-h678-s-no-gm?authuser=0" width="420" height="400">
[[roll out the dough]]
Once I learned how to make the pizza, I was able to make it for my friends. Whenever I would have friends over for birthdays or holiday breaks I would make my families famous pizza for them. One of my favorite memories was when I had my friends stay over at my lake cottage for 20th birthday and I made them pizza. Some people may not want to cook on their birthday, but I was excited and proud to be able to share the pizza with them. I was a little nervous because two of my friends had just gotten back from studying abroad in Italy, so I wasn’t sure how my pizza would compare. They all told me they loved it and couldn’t wait for me to make it again! <img src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/AP1GczPAyf0aPxeu7gRqEkOTEtia_lzYqNFZX5yaADTwZZUUZK71xUbXHE8ptBq5bN90HkxlyCPXFB1sP6Cd4tjQy7uwjuy4nSmsIRETmmbSynGeFRAZRSto0j4LYEcfSIWCRgwkCQZgesSPlFq9QwQ980wu=w830-h828-s-no-gm?authuser=0" width="400" height="400">
[[put the dough on a pizza pan, add sauce and cheese]]
My junior year of college was the first year I had my own kitchen. I was looking forward to being able to cook for myself because I was very sick of the dining hall food. When shopping for kitchen supplies over the summer I made sure to get a pizza pan because I knew having a kitchen meant making weekly pizza even if I was 50 miles from home. My roommates definitely didn’t complain when I mentioned the idea and were happy to have someone cook for them once a week. Every Sunday, I make them all pizza and we pick a movie to all watch together. I’m so glad I can look back on my junior year and have this memory with my roommates. <img src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/AP1GczO_2HkjgqeFMBrnw5BaY8Y21eImmHBtOqpOPEVXnk7sK7JFCfiLHoHggAjroE5SPj2rbtmKK9C-9GzYOKQ-jhrDxhiAu2ovHcbYhoiOpWVyLIQKctU4U1AcHAHtykPUUG1u_19bRNvTpStD92u7zq15=w712-h764-s-no-gm?authuser=0" width="400" height="420">
[[put the pizza in the oven at 425 degrees F and let it cook for about 12 minutes]]
Someday in the future I hope to continue this tradition with my family. It will be away for my kids and I to all come together every week and bond, just like I did growing up. I hope they also realize that it’s more about spending time with the people you love than the pizza itself. I look forward to passing down the recipe and tips to my kids, so that their confidence cooking can also grow. <img src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/AP1GczNsYRg2Rve6BAEjWWpCvJqJ3w2dI5YqZ5zDa4LDMNpNndpaJW63lNP8vQjtGGP6E14KtDY0V40_vLwpXUBXCxkYeW3F-5iUJ3ReUjRwX4UskvVKjZ0Z-8DKk6fPGkBtcXntlvLZLOwwIzkkzfi59QX9=w938-h664-s-no-gm?authuser=0" width="420" height="400">
[[take the pizza out of the oven and let it cool]]
Overall, Pizza may just be cheat meal for some people, but for me it’s a way to bring my family and friends together. <img src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/AP1GczM8sCtRRcIP9uUISSB4fnLDk9c5k81DEdtTVd6f3UCG3WDAk-U3vUg8cErE3cK58vv_5XFFbjgOCe94tOxEABe4E5RQqkjqn49yMYbiYDsSimPCQ2CU02sq4fRtKuMCrDACG4QUog4ri9X8rmPtTHEa=w958-h686-s-no-gm?authuser=0" width="420" height="400">
cut up the pizza and it's ready to serve!
the perfect pizza is complete!